Boosting the growth of sustainable investment and finance in the UK

We are a membership organisation for those in the finance industry committed to growing sustainable and responsible finance in the UK.

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UKSIF exists to bring together the UK’s sustainable finance community and support our members to expand, enhance and promote this key sector.

We achieve our goals by building a strong and connected UK community, influencing government and regulators, and sharing our collective knowledge of issues and solutions.

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UKSIF’s work to connect the community, influence policy and share knowledge drives growth and new opportunities for members as global leaders in the sustainable finance industry.

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UKSIF’s 300+ members manage over £19trn in assets, including investment managers, pension funds, banks, financial advisers, research providers and NGOs.

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Join us at this crucial time to take your place at the heart of sustainable finance, push forward the UK’s leadership in this area and position your organisation as a key player in this rapidly growing landscape.

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Our latest work

UKSIF Responds to Programme for Government in the King’s Speech

UKSIF Responds to Programme for Government in the King’s Speech

[17th July, 2024- London] Today, his Majesty King Charles III set out the programme for government in the House of Lords.   Joe Dharampal-Hornby, Head of Public Affairs and Communications at UKSIF commented “Today’s King’s Speech sets out welcome commitments to attracting investment into the UK’s sustainable industries. Great British Energy has the potential to…

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FCA’s Policy Overhauls to Listing Requirements on London Stock Exchange: UKSIF Reaction

FCA’s Policy Overhauls to Listing Requirements on London Stock Exchange: UKSIF Reaction

[11th July 2024, London] This morning the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published its well-trailed series of policy overhauls to the listing requirements for UK PLCs, having been in review / consultation from December 2023. Oscar Warwick Thompson, Head of Policy at UKSIF commented: “It is disappointing to see these new listings rules confirmed by the…

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UKSIF Publishes Letter to PM on Net Zero Strategy With PRI and IIGCC

UKSIF Publishes Letter to PM on Net Zero Strategy With PRI and IIGCC

[London, 8th July 2024] Today, UKSIF in collaboration with Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) published a letter to the new Prime Minister of the UK, Sir Keir Starmer urging him to seize the opportunities of the net zero transition through a renewed policy focus. The letter was…

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